Robin Denise Johnson | Tarot, Numerology and Human Design

Intuitive Coaching

While I have formal training in a number of psychological and coaching traditions, I’ve found many people prefer a blend of esoteric and exoteric wisdom.

In an intuitive session, you can connect with me, and more importantly with your own inner wisdom, in a short, focused conversation – typically using numerology and tarot because those tools seem to get to the heart of issues quickly and clearly.

I have wide-ranging experience, training, travels and interests. I have …

  • Explored Spiritual / Religious Systems from around the globe
  • Studied Psychological Astrology and Tarot with Jungian-oriented Liz Greene at the Center for Psychological Astrology in London
  • Taught and practiced Numerology, Astrology, Tarot and Human Design
  • Investigated Jyotish / Vedic Astrology and Galactic Astrology
  • Practice of the Work of Byron Katie regularly, was deeply involved with RC, and practice Mindfulness / Vipassana Meditation daily
  • Learned the Enneagram from Helen Palmer and Archetypical / Depth Psychology from a number of teachers

As your thought partner during our conversation, I access whichever teachings seem most helpful for you for the issues you wish to explore.

  • We start with your basic numbers to hone in on your life lesson, birthday number, and current year as context – along with your question(s).
  • I use different decks, but most often a multicultural modern deck with all 78 traditional tarot cards with astrological and numerological information included on them.
  • The layout will be explicit and clear, and you’ll be able to take pictures of your cards at the end of the reading.

An intuitive session allows both of us to be open to a wide range of intuitive modalities to explore questions, and usually get you some answers, advice, suggestions, or next steps.

My intent in every reading is to empower you to make the best decisions and actions for you.